ALF-SS-20 is an automated consolidation test equipment with a 20 kN electromechanical actuator. The loading frame runs with an axial displacement rate of 0.00 mm/min to 20.00 mm/min. The system has a touchscreen LCD to enter test data.
ALF-SS-20 also has an external digital adjusting unit that can start/stop the test and move the load platen at high speed upward and downward. These functions can also be done from the touchscreen display.
ALF-SS-20 can also be used to carry out swelling pressure or free swell tests. This device is controlled using GeoCons analysis software for carrying out consolidation, swelling pressure and free swell tests. This device can also be equipped with optional accessories to carry out UCS test and back pressure consolidation and permeability tests.
GeoCons software can also be upgraded to GeoCons Pro to carry out repeated load at 0~5 Hz, consolidation test with stress-path controlled and/or a mix of deformation-controlled and stress-controlled- tests.